Sunday, February 12, 2012

People in Spacesuits? We Must Be on Mars!

During the second week of our rotation at MDRS, a few people from the NDX Space Suit Project came to test out a prototype for a spacesuit they are developing for a future mission to the moon or Mars. I got to wear the suit for about 10 minutes and was able to complete three sets of observations before my heart rate went through the roof and they pulled me out before I died. Though the suit was way too big for me and probably weighed as much as I did, getting to be in it gave me a new appreciation for the difficulty of doing science in an environment outside of earth. Doing the simplest things, such as picking up a GPS unit or trying to use a soil chart, was five times more difficult in the suit. Simply walking in the suit took more effort and I had to really concentrate on keeping my balance and try not to topple over every time I took a step. Never the less, it was great to see my fellow crew members get a good fit in the suit and do some good science in it.

Mary Beth serving as Cap Com

Brad getting suited up

Brad working on a transect

Mary Beth in the suit!

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